Our Vision and Values
The Queensland Show Choir vision is to provide sustainable and unique opportunities to experience passionate and excellent choral performances and deliver high quality musical education, in ways that create enjoyment, lasting memories, lifelong associations and a strong and vibrant community.
The Queensland Show Choir is committed to:
Making a difference: driving a sustainable future through differentiation and excellence
- Provide responsible, progressive and inspiring leadership
- Work as a team – share skills and knowledge, provide positive feedback and seek joint opportunities
- Display a positive attitude – be open-minded, adaptive and flexible
- Take responsibility for individual performance
- Seek continuous improvement and strive for excellence in all that we do
- Promote personal development
- Build relationships that will generate support for the organisation as well as future business
- Take time to understand and be responsive to the needs and expectations of others
- Deliver quality performances that meet or exceed expectations
- Recognise and celebrate success
Respect and Inclusion: maintaining a caring culture where all are treated with dignity
- Be tolerant of others and avoid actions that could demean them
- Appreciate and respect the role of those in authority
- Support the development of positive personal attributes and attitudes
- Treat people with openness and honesty
- Act ethically and with integrity
- Keep commitments
Innovation and Creativity: fostering innovative and creative practices
- Continuously look for examples of best practice
- Identify opportunities for growth and change
- Seek innovative solutions, take calculated risks
- Foster creativity and the sharing of ideas
Safe environment: maintaining a safe, caring and supportive environment
- Ensure the safety of our members, staff and guests
- Act in accordance with legislative requirements
- Follow QSC policy and guidelines
Community: being a home where people have fun, and foster family and friendships
- Encourage and support the contribution of members
- Recognise and support both potential and talent
- Look after each other
These values and behaviours describe how we will act as individuals within our organisation and what we expect of others.